"Doctor Wall" in the village: Can reading change the fate of rural children?

  Yangtian Village uses a two-story wall to show what it cherishes at present: the wall is the information of 26 doctors who have graduated from the village so far, as well as the names of Harvard University, Tsinghua University, Peking University and Nankai University.

  Since China resumed the college entrance examination in 1977, more than 800 children, including 26 doctors and 176 masters, have been admitted to the countryside in Shashi Town, Liuyang City, Hunan Province. This is what the villagers are proud of.

  A few years ago, Luo Ze, then Party Secretary of Yangtian Village, proposed to erect such a wall in the village. He and other village cadres chose the side wall of a family building at the entrance of the village to "save some money".

  They went to discuss the matter with the owner, and the other party replied happily, "I want it." The wall was originally the toilet of this family, so it was contributed and changed into green space.

  The village cadres seriously entrusted an advertising company in the town to design the wall.

  One day in 2015, the original dilapidated wall was painted, and the most striking thing on it was three big characters: Doctor Wall.

  In Luo Ze’s eyes, doctors are a kind of "cultural resources". His idea is to show the village’s "farming and reading culture" and encourage the children in the village to read, even as the fulcrum of the village’s development.

  He is very satisfied with this position — — At the entrance to the village, it is close to the primary school in the village, and several families around it have gone out of the doctor. The village also spent more than 30,000 yuan to buy a nearly 2-meter-high Confucius statue in Changsha, the provincial capital, and engraved the profile of the educator downloaded from the Internet on the pedestal. The pedestal was made by a villager who was engaged in construction.

  Luo Ze thought that Confucius was an ancient scholar, and he stood there with a "cultural atmosphere". "I hope that children can read well and make great talents like doctors."

  On the heads of doctors, there are big characters decorated with doctor hats — — "Knowledge changes fate, culture breeds virtue", "Diligence and education, and inheritance through ploughing and reading".

  These words were designed by Luo Ze. It summarizes the daily life of the villagers: farming, supporting the family and supporting the younger generation to go to school.

  After working in the village for 26 years, he saw with his own eyes how groups of rural children changed their fate through reading in an ordinary village.


  The protagonists on the wall have long been away from home, some teaching in universities, some starting businesses in the sea, and some serving as company executives in the central business districts of Beijing and Shanghai.

  Without this unique aesthetic wall, Yangtian village is really a very humble village. Yangtian Village is located in the north township of Liuyang. The whole city of Liuyang is divided into four townships: east, west, south and north. The south township is rich in fireworks, the west township has flower industry, the east township has forestry resources, and the north township has only cultivated land for generations.

  In Yangtian village, the purpose of supporting children to study can be simplified as: having a stable job, no longer having to "face the loess and face the sky", and no longer going out to work and sell coolies.

  For Qu Weiyuan, a villager, to send two children to school is to hope that they can find a job after graduation, and "parents should be less concerned".

  Qu Wei’s daughter Qu Ting is the first female doctor on that wall.

  In 2003, Qu Ting was admitted to Nankai University and has been studying for a doctorate. After graduation, she became a university teacher. Her younger brother Qu Qiangqiang was admitted to Northeastern University and became a civil servant.

  Their parents are the first people in the village to go out to work. When Qu Ting first entered elementary school in the early 1990s, her parents began to work in cities — — China’s urbanization process involving hundreds of millions of people is still going on — — Qu Ting and her younger brother became left-behind children.

  "We are the first generation to feel the gap between urban and rural areas." Qu Ting said.

  She lived in the city with her parents, and when other rural children were still washing, shampooing and bathing with washing powder, she could already get a small bag of shampoo.

  When she returned to the village from the city, she brought a roll of white toilet paper, and as a result, some students each rolled a little and went back to collect it — — At that time, the peers in the village still made toilet paper from old exercise books and didn’t know toilet paper.

  Qu Ting was the only child among her classmates who had eaten ice cream at that time. Later, she admitted that that experience had planted a seed in her body, and she was "unwilling to stay in the countryside for the rest of her life".

  She has also experienced the gap between migrant children and urban children. She remembered that she wanted to take part in a painting class, and she paid 20 yuan for one semester, but her father refused. 20 yuan is equivalent to one sixth of a family’s monthly income.

  For the two brothers Luo Hongtao and Luo Honglang on the same wall, studying hard is just to stop farming. Luo Honglang’s deep memory of his childhood is that the villagers farmed during the day and weaved at night. Until midnight, the whole village was still awake, and the sound of weaving was heard from every household. After finishing their homework after school, the two brothers have to help their father who is a craftsman.

  The school hardware facilities are also very poor. In winter, the earth wall of the classroom leaks air all around, and students’ hands and feet are often frostbitten. The voltage in the village is unstable and the current is intermittent. On a cold winter night, I woke up in the middle of the night and found that there was electricity. The two brothers had to climb out of bed and finish their homework. Summer is even more difficult. In order to save shoes and walk barefoot, the soles of your feet will be blistered by the hot slate.

  Before the nine-year compulsory education was popularized in China, one of the great events of their father, Luo Jianzhi, was to put the money from farming, weaving and working as a craftsman in a cloth bag, and let the children take a stack by themselves when school started. You need to borrow money when you are embarrassed.

  It is a kind of luck to meet parents who have all their wealth for their children to study. At that time, there were not a few families who couldn’t afford tuition in 3 yuan for one semester. Luo Honglang is the only one of his classmates who came out of school. Huang Liping, his classmate, is second only to him in grades. Huang Liping had to drop out of school because his mother died prematurely and he had two younger brothers to take care of. The fate of the two men has been divided since then.


  Talking about the former classmates on that wall, Huang Liping was very emotional. What he didn’t know at that time was that giving up studying would put himself and others on a different track.

  He is still farming at home, pinning his hopes on his daughter Huang Xinyao. Huang Xinyao was in the fifth grade of primary school in the village, and the certificate he got was plastered all over the wall at home. Huang Xinyao’s mother, Wu Yanzi, works in a local weaving factory. Among the four sisters, the younger sister stayed in Shenzhen after being admitted to the university, which is the "best mixed" one. Xiaomei became a sample for Wu Yanzi to urge her daughter to study. "Cars are all BMWs, and every time I give them to my grandparents, it costs thousands of dollars", and I am the hardest and can’t make any money.

  As a primary school student, Huang Xinyao doesn’t think this wall is very beautiful. When I go to school on my mother’s motorcycle, she passes this wall every time.

  One day, she promised her mother that she would study hard. "At that time, my name will be on the doctor’s wall."

  Those names on the wall mark not only personal studies, but also the dignity of a family. After graduating from college, these rural children will directly bring about the improvement of their family’s economic situation.

  In the first year after Dr. Qu Ting graduated, her parents stopped going out to work. The house at home was also renovated, and Qu Wei participated in the design, transforming the original dilapidated adobe house into a "modern" small building.

  Such small buildings are common in today’s Yangtian village. In the eyes of the villagers, repairing a new building means that there are "scholars" at home.

  As early as 2000, Simomo, the old branch secretary of Yangtian Village, summed it up at the villagers’ meeting. "Whoever has a college student has a changed living environment."

  In order to encourage children to study, every year, when the results of college entrance examination are announced, village cadres will go to the home of every student admitted to a key university to congratulate him with the 400 yuan Prize. Last year, the village raised the bonus to 1000 yuan, and the scope was also expanded. The family that produces a doctor will also be labeled as a "scholarly family" in front of the door.

  Families admitted to the doctor will be given a "doctor’s plaque". Qu Ting’s family has such a plaque. When Qu Wei hangs it in the living room, he can see it when he enters the door. Several big characters are printed on a piece of red paper and mounted in a 1-meter-wide golden glass frame: "Compliment (meaning congratulations — — Reporter’s Note) Qu Ting won a doctorate. "


  For this kind of courtesy, doctors are a little afraid. They believe that it is accidental that they can get out of the countryside through reading.

  Qu Ting feels that "learning well" is like a habit that she has kept for a long time.

  Qu Weiyuan initially concluded that her daughter was "not the material for reading". The daughter’s grades are getting better and better, and she has hardly let him worry. However, his son, who is smarter than his daughter in his eyes, did not get good grades at first, and ranked last in the class when he was a freshman in high school. When he was called to the school where his son was boarding for a parent-teacher meeting, Qu Wei got angry. "You either read well or don’t read, don’t read and take the quilt back." Qu Weiyuan said to his son, "Anyway, there is your sister. Your sister can study well, or you can go to the computer with your cousin."

  Since then, Qu Qiangqiang’s achievements have been rising all the way. Qu Ting thought it was his father’s goad at first, but later found it wasn’t. "That’s what he thinks, because it’s very difficult at home. Anyway, one of them has been read out. You can read it for you. If you don’t want to read it, I won’t force you."

  "My brother and I grew up by accident." Qu Ting felt that it was a "magic" thing for her father to finally cultivate two college students. If my younger brother had sunk a little and given up studying, he wouldn’t be what he is today. Some of her boyhood companions went to prison for theft, robbery and other problems. She believes that perhaps both herself and her brother have a strong "self-certification consciousness", which further inspired them. When she was studying in the city, a teacher once suspected that she was cheating because she was a rural child, which made her feel a great sense of humiliation. "Why don’t you believe that I can get this score?" "It may have left a consciousness to prove itself."

  But behind this "self-certification consciousness", she doesn’t really understand the meaning of reading to a person. For another doctor, Qu Weiyi, even the college entrance examination was once a dispensable thing.

  Qu Weiyi was sent to high school because he was "too young to work". At that time, it was popular in the village to "study for technical secondary school and get an iron rice bowl", but "going to high school costs money", which was not cost-effective.

  After failing in the technical secondary school entrance examination, Qu Weiyi, who is 1.65 meters high, went to the construction site to pick bricks and cement, and his shoes were soaked in muddy water and rotted. His father loved him dearly and sent him to high school. The original intention was to let him grow up in two years before going to work.

  After studying in high school for less than two months, Qu Weiyi wanted to drop out of school. Going to town when he was in high school, his parents spent a lot of money to buy him the only new bicycle in the family, but he lost it. This made him hate himself. The head teacher kept doing work for him, telling a story about a girl who worked hard to study after her bike was stolen and was finally admitted to the university. He decided to work hard and had the concept of university for the first time. Before that, he didn’t know there was such a thing as a university. He didn’t know that he was going to college after high school, because "no one gave you information".

  Speaking of his past experiences, Qu Weiyi felt "cruel and magical". Today, when he talked about this in the university, the students were amazed. Everyone couldn’t understand that his university teacher didn’t even know what a university was.


  This learning experience is almost the common memory of those people on the doctor’s wall. They don’t know what they are doing and why they are studying and going to college.

  Hearing that a doctor’s wall is going to be built in the village, Qu Ting thinks it is a good thing to take this opportunity to further drive the children in the village to study. After all, there will be no families who can’t afford to go to school because of poverty in Yangtian Village today.

  More importantly, how to really stimulate children’s learning motivation.

  At the beginning of this year, the village asked Qu Ting to give a lecture to the primary school students in the village. She thought it over and over, and finally decided on the theme of freedom. In class, she asked them what their goals were. A child said she wanted to go to France, and Qu Ting asked her how to go. The teenage girl thought about it and gave the answer that she should study hard and learn French. Several active children also added her QQ.

  "Still have to open their world." Qu Ting thinks that for children, the first step to break ignorance is to arouse their motivation to learn spontaneously. Education is not indoctrination, not getting high marks, but awakening and igniting.

  In 2017, a local primary school principal asked someone to find Qu Wei and asked him to "teach educational experience" to more than 400 parents in the school. Qu Weiyuan quickly contacted his daughter who taught in Tianjin. "What am I going to say, my daughter will come and help!" Qu Ting wrote an eight-page speech for his father and asked him to take it with him to give a speech.

  In the past, Qu Ting and his younger brother often became samples for villagers to educate their children. "Look at people who are also left-behind children. How can their grades be so good?" This time, in the voice of her father, she responded to those parents who have been working outside for a long time: she and her brother can read it not because they grow freely, but because at least one of their parents will go home before junior high school to ensure that their children will not lack love and companionship during the critical period. Taking her playful brother as an example, she told parents that they should be properly guided on the basis of discovering their children’s nature.

  Two years ago, Luo Honglang and Luo Hongtao were invited by village cadres to interact with children in their hometown in the form of "opening a letter".

  In their letters, they encouraged the children in their hometown: "Whether a person can make great achievements and contribute to the society and hometown in the future is precisely the qualities such as hard work and hard work that we have cultivated since childhood, not the material conditions … … The growth experience in rural areas is our precious wealth. "

  Luo Huihui, a child in the village, is studying in a middle school in the city. The school organizes students to watch a video introducing the doctor’s village and inspires the whole school. "Children in the countryside can get a doctor’s degree. Why can’t you?"


  However, Qu Ting felt that subtle changes had taken place in her hometown.

  Qu Ting was surprised when a relative asked her not to let her children go to a normal school with free tuition and free package distribution. This relative can spend tens of thousands of yuan to enroll his children in the summer vacation, obviously not to save money. She learned that choosing a normal school is afraid that children can’t find a job. "Being a teacher is stable and stressful."

  Compared with the 26 people on the doctor’s wall, the villagers feel that in recent years, fewer and fewer college students have been admitted to prestigious schools in the village. Last year, 22 people were admitted to the "211" and "985" key universities. A doctor who graduated from Tsinghua University felt that if he put himself in the same environment and studied in the same way, he would definitely not be admitted to Tsinghua.

  In recent years, the hardware of Yangtian Complete Primary School, which is close to the Doctor’s Wall, has been gradually improved, with a plastic track on the dirt playground and dozens of computers and a piano. There are 12 teachers in this primary school with more than 200 students, and each teacher has to teach an average of 15 classes a week. "The teachers of sound, body and beauty are not yet complete." The principal said helplessly.

  However, in Yangtian village, people with certain economic conditions began to send their children to the county to study, and the teachers who taught in the village also enrolled their children in extracurricular remedial classes.

  This change can be seen from the profiles of 26 doctors displayed on the wall: the younger doctors are no longer rural children who grew up in Yangtian, some of them went to study in the city early, and some of them have been "Shanghainese" since birth.

  Ronnie, a middle school student in Yangtian Village, ranks among the top students in the town. After being admitted to Tianjiabing Middle School, the best high school in the county, she can only rank among more than 200 students in the whole school. This made her depressed for a time. The top 10 students in the class are all from the city. Their entrance scores are lower than her, but they easily surpass her after entering the school. She didn’t understand why. "Look, they don’t work hard, and they can play mobile phones."

  Ronnie’s father once invited a high school teacher in the city to dinner. The teacher admitted that many schools would rather recruit students from the city than students from the countryside. Children in the city have a higher vision and a better foundation.

  The gradient is arranged in the first order. As a county-level city, compared with the famous middle schools in Changsha, it is news that two people from the best local high schools can be admitted to Tsinghua or Peking University every year.

  In Tianjiabing Middle School, the teacher will play the running video of Hebei Hengshui Middle School in class, and the students are shocked by the "madness" of students in this school running to eat and carrying notes with them when waiting for meals.

  Ronnie also wants to make further progress. She wondered why some children in the city seemed to do well in the exam without working hard, while some rural students kept counting down in class while reading with flashlights at night.

  The villagers began to tend to make a safer choice for their children. Luo Jiao is the best student in the village. She could have gone to the best high school in the town, but her mother persuaded her to apply for a normal school in the province. "Now there are many college students, and it is hard to find a job. This is more stable."

  Luo Jiao was hesitant. She wanted to get into a good university, but her father told her that the ideal was beautiful and few people could realize it, "just like dreaming".

  This year, a total of three students in Yangtian Village attended normal colleges, all of whom were among the top students in the town. A few years ago, I chose this road only after I was admitted to high school. Luo jiao is still contradictory at the moment. She doesn’t know whether her choice is right or wrong.


  The slogan "knowledge changes fate" on the doctor’s wall also encountered an impact.

  Deng Furen, a middle school teacher in the town, has taught eight doctors. Now, when he visits home, he finds that some parents think that they can’t find a good job after studying in college, and they can make money from everything, so they don’t pay so much attention to providing education for their children. "I told my parents that you are working, and your salary is higher when you go to college than when you don’t."

  The contrast is obvious — — The villagers always compare the doctor’s wall with another wall in the village, the "public morality wall". The public morality wall was built shortly after the doctor’s wall, which is not far apart and the same height. The 12 people who "climbed the wall" were elected by the villagers in a referendum, all of whom were "big bosses" who returned to Mulberry, and arranged according to the amount of donations. The profile of the first "big boss" reads: Donate 1.2 million yuan for public welfare undertakings such as repairing bridges, roads and expanding schools.

  Some doctors think that although the villagers attach great importance to doctors, they don’t really know much about this group. Qu Weiyi said that many people in rural areas think that "promising" means making money. "They said that Dr. Qu read so many books and led everyone to get rich!" Some people propose to make a joint donation to repair the genealogy, and relatives naturally think that he has the obligation and ability to donate more money.

  Another doctor once heard a neighbor say, "(doctor) will definitely earn millions of dollars a year after graduation!"

  "If you want to realize your study, you should either be an official or make money, or you should read it for nothing." Although compared with other villages, hometown has paid enough attention to education, Qu Ting found that under this attention, people still regard knowledge as a means.

  Qu Ting can’t remember what the first volunteer of the university reported. After she was admitted to Nankai, she was transferred to the philosophy department, studied PhD all the way, and took the "easiest way". The Northeastern University where Qu Qiangqiang, his younger brother, went is located in Shenyang. The reason why he went to the school was just to see the snow in the north. Qu Weiyi applied for a military school in Wuhan in a muddle, because the head teacher told him to take the military school exam free of tuition — — He didn’t think about it, and he didn’t know what other options there were.

  After being admitted to the university, Qu Weiyi studied navigation instrument engineering. Aimless, he heard that a senior walked a graduate student. He was surprised. "What do you mean by walking a graduate student?" "He told me that he has a higher education, which is better than college students." Qu Weiyi then set a goal for himself.

  He was successfully sent to graduate school. Just as he was preparing to continue studying this major, a senior told him: "What technology! Look at those who are conducting, and when they are heads, they will have a special car. "

  "People do whatever they say, and I don’t have the ability to distinguish myself. In fact, I don’t know anything about command technology." Qu Weiyi gave up his postgraduate study and transferred to another military school to study navigation command. It was not until later that he realized what a good opportunity he had missed — — Academician Ma Weiming, known as "the father of China’s electromagnetic ejection", was the dean at that time. To choose an undergraduate as his graduate student, he had the opportunity to follow Ma Weiming for further study. Among the graduate students who walked in that year, he was the first.

  Qu Weiyi said regretfully, "At that time (reading the conductor) was completely wrong."

  Like a brand — — In the first half of life, there is no clear meaning direction, no previous experience to learn from, and no accurate self-cognition and planning. Qu Ting understands their state as "relatively unfree". The experience of an alumnus in the same grade touched her very much. This alumnus went to Europe to study with his parents when he was a sophomore. He chose to study in Nankai because he felt that his personality was too impetuous and complemented Nankai’s calm school spirit. I chose English major because I knew that an international talent needed fluent language tools. During my college years, my alumni took international trade as an elective, and after graduation, I wanted to enter an investment bank.

  "This is called freedom. What is chosen is called freedom, and what is not chosen is not called freedom. " Qu Ting feels that the alumni are leading the fate, while she is being pushed by the fate.

  In the second grade of primary school, Qu Ting, who likes reading, got Qiong Yao’s romance novel Shui Yunjian from her father and read it with relish. Later, she realized that this kind of books was not suitable for primary school students. Father doesn’t have this consciousness. On second thought, she is not bad. Many rural children don’t have any extra-curricular books, and she can still find a The Journey to the West in her grandfather’s home.

  These make Qu Ting reflect. In rural areas, even parents who attach importance to education stay at the level of "studying for a better way out". On the other hand, she also knows that it is unrealistic to long for parents to have a vision beyond the environment, and it is rare to be willing to provide education for their children. Moreover, "everyone opens his own world step by step."


  Until now, Qu Ting firmly believes that reading is still the right choice. She wants people in her hometown to understand that although rural children will be limited by the original environment, although not every child is born to read books, and even though reading books may not necessarily make a lot of money, everyone should strive for the opportunity of education as much as possible.

  Qu Ting has two cousins who are very successful in business. Neither of them went to college, but they all received education. One graduated from high school and the other went to a technical school. "My aunt paid for them. This is called attaching importance to education. Even if you don’t know what to do in the future, you should send your children to study. " The two brothers reached a consensus on educating their children. Even in business, people who have read books are higher than those who have never read books.

  "Reading is still the most basic and general way for rural children to change their destiny. Studying hard and reading good books is what most people should do and can do after fighting for it." This is written in the speech that the father and daughter cooperated.

  The doctors who went out began to do their best to cultivate their next generation. Qu Weiyi bought the best school district, "bite your teeth and buy it". Qu Ting signed up for a music class for her children, so that the fact that 20 yuan could not sign up for a painting class would not be repeated for her daughter.

  In Yangtian village, nearly 60% of the labor force goes out to work. In recent years, the living environment in the village has been greatly improved. There is a gymnasium for villagers to relax and a basketball court for children to play, which is comparable to a well-functioning urban community, but it is more suitable for the elderly. If villagers stay in their hometown, they can only choose to grow rice and tobacco, or work in a weaving factory near the village. In order to make money, the young people in the village went all over the country and went as far as Hainan to do leather business.

  Huang Xinyao’s mother has been farming in the village for 15 years, and the moisture deposited in the field for many years has made her hands ache. "I really can’t stand it." She went to town to sell clothes for another five years, and had to go home because there were old people and children at home. Working in a local weaving factory can only earn 20 thousand yuan a year.

  "Resources should be concentrated to engage in the collective economy." Qu Weiyi did research on the immigrants in the reservoir area in the university. When he returned to his hometown, he suggested to the village cadres to support individuals to take the lead in doing business, so that those who stayed in the village could have more choices for making a living.

  What worries Qu Ting most is still the education problem in her hometown. "There is no way, only a little breakthrough." She also thought about going back to the village to teach when she was old.

  Last year, the village set up an education fund with more than 200,000 yuan, all of which were collected from villagers. A village cadre said that he hoped that the money could be used to encourage children to study, not to reward them for reading a doctor, but to give them "potential stocks" with good grades and specialties since childhood.

  When the Doctor Wall was designed, the pictures sent back by the doctors were different in style. Some people were wearing cap and gown, while others were still in casual clothes. The villagers decided that the background color of these photos and profile areas was rust red, which was not easy to fall off, and then they stuck the photos on the board one by one and nailed them to the wall for fixation. Everyone hopes that under the erosion of wind, rain, sun and rain, the information on the wall can be kept longer, and the children in the village can see it every day when they come back from school.

  China Youth Daily Zhongqing Online Trainee Reporter Yin Haiyue and photo source: China Youth Daily

British media comment on the impeachment of Trump: the game between the Democratic Party and the Republican Party in the United States

  Beijing, Sept. 26 (Xinhua) According to the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) Chinese website, the US Democratic Party announced a formal impeachment investigation against President Trump. Trump was suspected of putting pressure on Ukraine to investigate Biden, a competitor in the 2020 general election.

  Democrat nancy pelosi, Speaker of the US House of Representatives, said that the president "must take responsibility". Trump denied misconduct and called such efforts "garbage."

  Although the Democratic Party strongly supports the impeachment of the president, it is difficult for the bill to pass in the Senate controlled by the Republican Party.

Data map: US President Trump. China News Service reporter Chen Mengtong photo

  What happened?

  According to American media reports, during his telephone conversation with Ukrainian President Zelensky in July this year, Trump put pressure on Ze Lenski, threatened to withhold $250 million in military aid to Ukraine, and demanded to investigate whether rival Biden and his son Hunter had any misconduct.

  After Biden became vice president of the United States in 2014, his son hunter biden worked in a Ukrainian gas company. The natural gas company is said to have had corruption cases, but Hunter himself has never been accused.

  Trump admitted to calling, but denied pressure.

Data Map: Speaker of the House of Representatives of the United States, Democrat Pelosi. China News Service reporter Chen Mengtong photo

  How did the key figures react?

  Pelosi called Trump "a violation of the law" and called his actions "a violation of constitutional responsibility".

  She said: "The president admitted this week that he asked the Ukrainian president to take actions that would benefit him politically." She added: "The president must take responsibility."

  However, as the leader of the Democratic Party, Pelosi did not agree with her party’s efforts to remove Trump. She thought that this might actually give Trump more support.

  Biden denied misconduct. He expressed support for the impeachment investigation, but only if Trump cooperated with the investigation.

  Biden said that it would be a tragedy to impeach Trump, but this was caused by him. He is Trump’s main competitor in the 2020 US presidential election.

  How did Trump react?

  Trump said in a series of tweets that Democrats used "garbage-like political persecution tactics to deliberately undermine and belittle" his trip to the United Nations.

  He said: "They haven’t even seen the phone records. It is purely political persecution! "

  He has promised to make public with Ukrainian President conversation record to show that his actions are "completely appropriate".

  Kevin McCarthy, the Republican leader of the House of Representatives, said in a reply: "Pelosi is the Speaker of the House of Representatives, but on this issue, she does not represent the United States."

  He added: "She can’t unilaterally decide whether to conduct an impeachment investigation."

  Dam collapse

  Democratic leaders in the House of Representatives have been playing games for months. They hope to please those who support and oppose the formal impeachment investigation of President Trump.

  This strategy shows that House Speaker Pelosi and others are worried that the road to impeachment may make the 2020 election of moderate Democrats more difficult.

  This calculation seems to have changed after the news that Trump pressured the Ukrainian president came out. Now, even centrist politicians have offered to support the impeachment procedure.

  The dam has collapsed. Pandora’s box was opened.

  It is a simple fact that Pelosi has a keen grasp of the political emotions within the party, and she has decided to change from resisting the impeachment of the president to at least being open-minded.

  What will happen in the future is uncertain. Trump announced the announcement of a telephone call with Ukrainian President conversation record on July 25th. Although this is not enough for Democrats, the White House may make more efforts to respond to the demands of Congress.

  Public opinion surveys show that this latest drama has caused damage to one party or the other, thus leading to the disintegration of political will. But both sides can fight a long and arduous battle, which may last until the long night of winter.

  What will happen next?

  Pelosi’s statement opened an investigation into the conversation between Trump and the Ukrainian president, and a committee will confirm whether Trump has committed impeachable crimes. In her statement, she said that the other six congressional committees investigating Trump will continue their impeachment investigations.

  If it moves forward, the House of Representatives will vote on any charges. In the House of Representatives, where the Democratic Party is the majority, the vote can be passed easily.

  But then it will be handed over to the Senate, which needs a two-thirds majority to pass, and Republicans control the Senate.

  According to a YouGov poll, 55% of Americans will support the impeachment of the president if Trump’s pressure on Ukraine to suppress his competitors is confirmed.

5: 00 a. m. The domestic media made a controversial decision: China football became the winner, and the fans screamed.

At 5: 00 am on October 31st, Beijing time, the latest news came from China Football. According to the domestic media "Football Daily", Titipan, the main midfielder of Thailand team, was seriously injured, and it was difficult for Dangda to play in China. This report also caused great controversy and discussion.

"Football Daily" wrote: "In the third round of the AFC Champions League in Bangkok, Titipan, the main midfielder of the Thai team, suffered tears in the anterior cruciate ligament and medial collateral ligament of his knee, and he will face a long recovery period of at least 8 months after the operation.

In addition to Titipan, 35-year-old striker Dangda also missed at least four weeks due to injury, making it difficult to catch up with Thailand’s home game against China on November 16th. Dangda is the third shooter in the history of Thailand. "

It can be seen from the report in Football News that China football has become the winner, and Thailand’s main players were injured before the preliminaries started. Although the media did not disclose more information, China now needs to rely on the injured opponents to win, which still attracted a lot of fans’ condemnation.

Some fans said: "They have all fallen to hope that others will get hurt and even be sent off. It is still Thailand. You can imagine what the level of football in China is. " Some fans also said: "It’s useless, the men’s football team still can’t win."

Of course, some fans said: "All the benefits are vulnerable in front of a stable national football team. The Japanese team and the European powers have played back and forth. We are still here to discuss with Thailand and Vietnam how we can not lose. It is really a laugh. "

People from many places in Japan gathered in Fukushima to protest against the discharge of nuclear polluted water into the sea.

  The Japanese government’s insistence on promoting the plan of discharging nuclear polluted water from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant into the sea has aroused strong opposition from people from all walks of life at home and abroad. With the approach of the date of discharging water into the sea, Japanese people frequently express their protests through rallies and other forms, calling on the Japanese government and Tokyo Electric Power Company to cancel the plan of discharging nuclear polluted water into the sea and consider other appropriate disposal methods.

  Li Weibing, a reporter from reception desk: This is the coast of Langjiang Town, Fukushima Prefecture, which is less than 10 kilometers away from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. On August 12th, people from all over Japan, such as Tokyo, and Fukushima held protests here to express their strong voice against the discharge of nuclear polluted water into the sea.

  On the 12th, the second day of Japan’s small holiday, people from many places spontaneously gathered on the coast of Langjiang Town, Fukushima Prefecture to hold protests. They said that the ocean is the common wealth of all mankind, and any behavior that endangers the safety of the marine environment cannot be tolerated.

  Protester from Kanagawa Prefecture: It is the responsibility of our generation, which experienced the Fukushima nuclear accident, not to allow nuclear polluted water to be discharged into the sea. For the sake of the future, we should not let the nuclear polluted water caused by the nuclear accident be discharged into the ocean, but we should insist on speaking out.

  Protester from Nagano Prefecture: It is absolutely unacceptable for nuclear polluted water to be discharged into the sea. If we don’t stop it right away, I’m afraid it will have serious consequences, and it will eventually affect ourselves. In addition, the oceans in the world are connected. I hope everyone will oppose it and stop the stupid behavior of nuclear pollution water discharging into the sea together.

  Some local people in Fukushima also participated in the rally. They pointed out that since the Fukushima nuclear accident, the aftermath of the Tokyo Electric Power Company has been full of loopholes. Whether Tokyo Electric Power Company has the ability to properly handle the nuclear polluted water, and whether it can achieve reasonable supervision and information disclosure is worrying.

  Residents of Fukushima Prefecture: Before the nuclear polluted water is discharged into the sea, they must hide the bad news about the nuclear polluted water and make it public after the discharge into the sea becomes a fait accompli. Many such things have happened since the nuclear accident. They know that there is a dangerous situation, but it will cost a lot of money to take countermeasures, and Tokyo Electric Power Company and the Japanese government will not do it.

  The protesters said that they will continue to hold rallies in the future, hoping that the Tokyo Electric Power Company and the Japanese government will pull back from the brink and cancel the plan to discharge nuclear polluted water into the sea.

Domestic fruit, add some sweetness for a better life (visit the new consumption trend of "fruit country" (part two))

  Recently, domestic cherries have been listed in succession. The picture shows that on June 6, tourists picked cherries in an orchard in Duzhuang Town, Haigang District, Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province. Xinhua News Agency reporter Yang Shizhen photo

  June-July is the peak period of blueberry ripening in China. The picture shows villagers loading blueberries at the Blueberry Garden in Sucun Town, yinan county, Linyi City, Shandong Province on June 9. Yin Junshe (Xinhua News Agency)

  It’s midsummer, and fruits are concentrated in the market, which is a good time to taste early in the year. After eating fruit one after another, careful consumers will find some changes: the big cherry produced in Shandong is full of crisp and sweet juice; Blueberries produced in Yunnan are good in size and freshness; Kiwifruit produced in Shaanxi can be eaten at home … These used to be imported "leading role" fine fruits, but now there are more and more domestic choices.

  In fact, China is the largest fruit producer and consumer in the world. When domestic fruits gradually move towards the quality route, it also means that consumers can get more fruits with high quality and good price, and the early adopters will take longer. How is this achieved? Where is the future of fruit industry development? Our reporter takes you to experience the journey of fruit from field to table.

  On the table

  Domestic fruits are eye-catching

  "The blueberries that are precious in my impression are now more and more close to the people." Lao Li is in charge of food procurement for a family of five, and blueberries are a frequent visitor to his basket. He found that recently, the price of some supermarkets’ blueberries dropped to one box in 7.9 yuan (125g per box), and the price was only two boxes in 30 yuan, so the family’s "blueberry freedom" was more guaranteed. After a little attention, he also found that most of these blueberries are produced in Yunnan, and they are imported in terms of taste, size and freshness.

  Not only blueberries, but also small fruits with good taste used to be imported from abroad. But today, from red grapes, tangerines, cherries and kiwis to mangoes, lychees and pitaya, almost every kind can be preceded by a famous China place name. For consumers in China, this often means a longer time for early adopters and more affordable prices.

  For example, with the industrialization of blueberry cultivation in China, fresh blueberry fruits gradually mature from south to north, from greenhouse to field, and the time to market lasts from March to October. At the peak of domestic blueberry ripening from June to July, the average price of fresh fruit is 30-40 yuan per kilogram, while the average price of imported blueberry market from November to February is 66-80 yuan per kilogram.

  Domestic fruits are moving towards new varieties and high quality, which is very obvious in the sales terminal. Hainan Xiyuan Ecological Agriculture Co., Ltd. is an enterprise engaged in planting and selling tropical and subtropical fruits. In recent years, the company has introduced and cultivated "new exotic and excellent" fruit and vegetable varieties, and supplied many new domestic products such as bird’s nest fruit to the market. "We have feedback from a large retailer with long-term cooperation. About 10 years ago, 90% of the fruits they sold were imported. Now the proportion of domestic fruits accounts for more than 30%, and the proportion is still expanding." Liu Chengxin, deputy general manager of Hainan Xiyuan Ecological Agriculture Co., Ltd. said.

  In the eyes of the industry, this change is not deliberate, but the result of the overall improvement of the domestic fruit industry. "The branding and large-scale development of domestic fruits have been constantly put forward and practiced in the industry seven or eight years ago, but it takes time for agriculture to be done. In the past two years, more and more obvious results have been directly perceived by consumers." Zhai Shujia, head of Taobao’s agricultural technology and product incubation center, said.

  The vigorous market demand is the direct driving force of industry transformation.

  China is the largest fruit producer and consumer in the world. According to the Report on the Development of Fruit Industry in China in 2022 (hereinafter referred to as the Report) issued by China Fruit Circulation Association, the total output of fruits in China in 2021 is about 300 million tons. "From the analysis of existing data, the total supply of fruits is very sufficient, and the varieties are rich. It can be said that there are fruits every day and fruits every season." Li Huanling, deputy secretary general of China Fruit Circulation Association, said.

  However, there is still much room for improvement in the per capita consumption of fruits in China. According to the report, in 2019, the per capita fruit consumption in China was 56.4 kg, which was still far from the level of 105 kg in developed countries.

  At the same time, the structural contradiction between supply and demand is prominent. In 2021, China’s total fruit imports reached more than 7 million tons, up over 10% year-on-year. "On the one hand, import supplements the shortage of domestic fruit categories and seasons, on the other hand, it meets the demand of domestic consumers for high-end and high-quality fruits." Li Huanling said. High-quality demand is precisely the future growth point of domestic fruits.


  The variety of sketch fruits is rich.

  The news that the first batch of domestic durians in Hainan is about to "ripen on trees" has excited many people, which means that China consumers will eat Chinese durians for the first time, breaking the impression that "durians can’t be planted in China" for many years.

  In the plantation of Xiyuan agriculture in Hainan, 1,300 mu of Maoshanwang durian has also begun to bear fruit, but it is still in the stage of "raising trees". It will take some time for consumers to really taste the fresh fruit of Maoshanwang durian. In order to ensure the freshness of fruits, imported fruits are often picked under immature conditions. After a long transportation, the taste and quality will be discounted. For a long time, Maoshanwang durian imported from China market only has frozen fruit instead of fresh fruit, which makes Liu Chengxin look forward to this durian orchard.

  It takes a lot of effort to let consumers try early. "In fact, China has been trying to grow durian for nearly 70 years, and it has only been successfully planted in recent years." Liu Chengxin said that different soil environments, water and fertilizer consumption, pest control and other processes are different, and it will take quite a long time to break through technical barriers. Even now, the company’s durian seedling survival rate can only reach 80%, "you can’t win it when you see the opportunity."

  However, the huge durian consumption market in China still makes many practitioners unable to give up. According to the report, in 2021, durian imports ranked second among imported fruits in China, reaching 808,000 tons, up 40.2% year-on-year; The import amount ranks first, with US$ 4.12 billion, and 99.9% of durian imported from China comes from Thailand. "We have observed that the compound growth rate of durian in the domestic market exceeds 30% in three years, and the consumption potential is too great. The price and income of the whole industry are also very impressive." Hu Li, head of tropical fruit collection and marketing in JD.COM supermarket, said.

  Take blueberry as an example. According to the data released by the international blueberry organization, the global blueberry planting area reached 235,400 hectares in 2021, and China became the largest producer in the world with nearly 70,000 hectares of planting area, surpassing the United States, Chile and Peru. Blueberry is not a traditional edible fruit in China, but driven by consumer demand, there are currently more than 20 provincial administrative regions in China for blueberry industrial cultivation. Leading enterprises in blueberry industry at home and abroad, such as American Yike Berry, Australian Costa and China Xinrongmao, have invested heavily in Yunnan, the main producing area of fresh blueberry in China.

  Zhai Shujia has been engaged in agricultural science and technology for more than ten years. She feels that the biggest change in the fruit industry is to pay more attention to the needs of consumers. From this point of view, it will incite all aspects of the industry from planting to sales and drive the rise of domestic fruits.

  From a national perspective, the report shows that in 2021, the total fruit area in China was 12,808 thousand hectares, an increase over the previous year. At the same time, the area of traditional fruits such as apples and pears has been reduced, while the area of small fruits such as cherries, kiwis and strawberries has been expanding. "From the perspective of market performance, new varieties have good prices, high quality and excellent prices, big brands have high prices, low-end and low-quality staple goods have low prices, and the trend of high quality and good price, low quality and low price is becoming more and more obvious, and the price gap is further increased." Li Huanling said that the important direction of fruit transformation and upgrading is to optimize industrial layout and vigorously promote variety cultivation and quality improvement.

  Road room

  Post-mining treatment and transportation are on the rise.

  In Wugong County, Shaanxi Province, a dense kiwifruit orchard ushered in the fruit expansion period, and kiwifruit is the time to grow. "Cuixiang, an early-maturing variety, will mature in September, and then various varieties will keep up, and the fresh fruit period will last until the beginning of November. Coupled with the fresh-keeping part of the cold storage, the fresh kiwifruit on the market can be supplied all the time in May next year. " Liu Xiaofeng, head of Shaanxi Luyilong Agriculture and Forestry Development Co., Ltd., said that Luyilong owns 1,800 mu of kiwifruit orchard, and the biggest change in the past two years is that all kiwifruit produced in the garden is ready to eat, that is, the fruit can be eaten when it enters the retail end. Consumers no longer need to wait for the ripening process of kiwifruit.

  "Ready-to-eat kiwifruit guarantees the consumer experience very well. Now the market is still in short supply. As long as it produces good fruit, it is almost not sold." Liu Xiaofeng has been engaged in kiwifruit business for more than 20 years. In his view, "Ready-to-eat" is the key to crack the bottleneck of kiwifruit industry development, which is conducive to the standardization and improvement of all links from planting to post-harvest treatment.

  Kiwifruit is a climacteric fruit. Generally, it needs low-temperature storage and post-ripening transformation before it can be eaten. However, for a long time, the fresh-keeping technology and ready-to-eat supply of kiwifruit in China still have a big gap with the industrial powers. The data can tell us a lot: China is the world’s largest producer of kiwifruit. According to the report, in 2020, the output of kiwifruit will account for more than 50% of the world, far exceeding that of New Zealand (14.2%) and Italy (11.8%) which rank second and third. At the same time, China is also the world’s largest kiwifruit importer, importing a large number of high-quality fruits from abroad every year.

  "Three or four years ago, we paid attention to the fact that imported ready-to-eat kiwifruit sold very well in China, but there were almost no products in China that could compete with it." Zhai Shujia said that based on the judgment of the consumer side, Ali Digital Agriculture began to look for excellent producing areas in China and jointly cultivate and promote ready-to-eat kiwifruit.

  Among them, the biggest change is ripening technology. In the past, kiwifruit was generally marketed only after simple treatment, which was almost "guaranteed not to rot", but Zhai Shujia and the team wanted to do it: the kiwifruit bought by consumers was just hard and sweet, which was the best eating window. "With this as the goal, we push backwards according to different sales channels to determine which state kiwifruit should be in every link from picking, transportation to warehouse, and what kind of environment and temperature are needed." Yan Shujia said.

  Liu Xiaofeng is also the president of Wugong County Kiwifruit Association. He feels that with better income and clearer standards, the face of the whole local industry is different. Last year, after the ready-to-eat supply, the local land price of Cuixiang kiwifruit was higher than that of 0.5 yuan -1 yuan. Don’t worry about selling, more growers study technology, expand large-scale planting, and ensure good fruit production. Now, Liu Xiaofeng is most concerned about ensuring the stable output of the orchard. "Large-scale planting, standardized production and stable output are the future road of the industry." Liu Xiaofeng said.

  The journey of kiwifruit from the field to the dining table also represents a common problem in the development of fruit industry in China. In recent years, fruit production in China has developed rapidly, but the post-harvest treatment and deep processing of fruit still remain at the primary level. In terms of cold chain circulation, the report shows that the cold chain circulation rate of fruits and vegetables in China is only 35%, and the rot rate is 20%-30%, while the cold chain circulation rate of fruits and vegetables in the United States, Japan and other countries is over 95%.

  However, many people in the industry believe that stable quality, continuous supply and reasonable price-the demand for fruits in the consumer market is continuously promoting the scale and standardization of the industry. In China, the world’s largest fruit production and consumption market, domestic fruits will definitely add some sweetness to consumers’ "fruit freedom".

(People’s Daily Overseas Edition)


Heavy news! College English Band 4 and Band 6 will be announced on February 27th tomorrow.

On February 22, 2024, China Education Examination Network released a message. In the second half of 2023, the national CET score query service will be held onFebruary 27, 2024Open. Candidates, especially those who have been preparing for the exam for a long time, can finally reveal their exam results.

In order to make it easier for candidates to get their grades in the first time, China Education Examination Network provides a variety of query methods. Candidates can easily check their scores by visiting China Education Examination Network or using small programs such as WeChat, Baidu and Alipay.

First of all, candidates can log on to the official website of China Education Examination Network (http://cet.neea.edu.cn/cet), and in a conspicuous position on the home page, you can see the entrance to the results inquiry. Just enter the number and name of the admission ticket, and you can find your grades.

At the same time, in order to query the results more conveniently and quickly, candidates can also query through China Education Examination Network WeChat applet, Baidu applet and Alipay applet.

The specific operation is as follows:

1. China Education Examination Network WeChat applet

Use WeChat APP to scan the applet code below or search for the applet of "China Education Examination Network". After entering the applet, click "Results Query" and enter the admission ticket number and name as prompted to find your own results.

2. China Education Examination Network Baidu applet

Use Baidu APP to scan the applet code below or search for the applet "China Education Examination Network". After entering the applet, click "Results Query" and enter the admission ticket number and name as prompted to find your own results.

3. China Education Examination Network Alipay applet

Use Alipay APP to scan the applet code below or search for the applet of "China Education Examination Network". After entering the applet, click "Results Query" and enter the admission ticket number and name as prompted to find your own results.

It should be noted that during the performance inquiry, the network may be busy due to the large number of people inquiring. Candidates please wait patiently, or make an inquiry later. At the same time, in order to ensure the safety of personal information, candidates should also pay attention to protecting sensitive information such as their admission ticket number and name to avoid leaking it to irrelevant personnel.

In addition to the results query, China Education Examination Network also provides a variety of other services, such as proof of results, examination consultation and so on. Candidates can choose and use according to their own needs.

Finally, I wish all candidates can achieve ideal results and add a bright proof to their English proficiency. At the same time, I also hope that candidates will continue to work hard in their future study and work, and constantly improve their English level.

Heavy rainfall turned to the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, and Huanghuai in North China was late in autumn.

  Cctv newsAccording to China Weather Network, yesterday (18th), a new round of rainfall in the south started from the southwest, with heavy rains in Chongqing and other places. It is estimated that today and tomorrow, the rainfall will expand eastward, and many places in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River will be immersed in rain, with heavy rains in Anhui and Hubei. The rain gradually weakened on Thursday and ended. Most of the north is dominated by sunny weather, especially in North China and Huanghuai areas. The temperature is higher than normal, and the autumn process is sluggish.

  The Yangtze river basin is immersed in rain, and there are heavy rains in Hubei, Anhui and other places

  Beginning on the 18th, a new round of rainfall in the south started from the southwest. Monitoring shows that yesterday, heavy rains occurred in parts of eastern Chongqing, northeastern Guizhou, southwestern Hubei, northern Hunan and southwestern Guangdong, and heavy rains (100-174 mm) fell in Chongqing Youyang, Changde, Hunan and Yangjiang, Guangdong. The maximum hourly rainfall intensity in these areas was 65-88 mm.

  Today and tomorrow, this round of rainfall will rapidly expand eastward, with obvious rain in many places in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. The Central Meteorological Observatory predicts that there will be heavy rain or rainstorm in parts of Chongqing, Guizhou, southern Jianghan, western and northern Jiangnan and other places on the 19th and 20th, and there will be heavy rain locally, with the cumulative precipitation of 30-70mm and the local area reaching 100-150mm.

  It is estimated that there will be heavy rain or rainstorm in parts of southeastern Chongqing, southern and eastern Guizhou, southern Hubei, central and northern Hunan, northwestern Jiangxi and southern Anhui, among which there will be heavy rain (100-120 mm) in western and northeastern Hunan, and there will be short-term heavy precipitation in these areas, with the maximum hourly rain intensity of 20-40 mm and the local area of 50 mm or more. In response, the Central Meteorological Observatory issued a blue rainstorm warning at 6 o’clock today.

Heavy rainfall turned to the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, and Huanghuai in North China was late in autumn.

  Tomorrow, the range of heavy rainfall will be slightly reduced, and the eastern part of the south of the Yangtze River will also join the ranks of rainfall. There are moderate to heavy rains in central and eastern Yunnan, western Guangxi, southern Jianghuai and northern Jiangnan, among which there are heavy rains (50-90 mm) in parts of southeastern Anhui, southern Jiangsu, Shanghai and northern Zhejiang.

  Under the pressure of rain, the eastern part of southwest China to the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River will also usher in a round of cooling process from west to east. Sichuan Basin and many areas in the west and north of Jiangnan will get rid of the summer heat above 30℃, and the maximum temperature will gradually drop to about 25℃, from high to short-term low, and the summer heat will gradually recede and cool.

  On Thursday (21st), this round of rainfall weakened and ended, and there will be an interval of about 3 days along the Yangtze River. According to the current forecast, there will be another obvious rainfall process from the Sichuan Basin to the northeast of the south of the Yangtze River from 23rd to 25th. Due to the long time limit, it is necessary to pay attention to the approaching forecast in time.

  According to the statistics of the last month, the rainfall in Chongqing, Guizhou and Hubei has been on the high side. The accumulated rainfall in this round is large, accompanied by short-term heavy rainfall in many places, and the maximum hourly rainfall intensity is 40-60 mm. The southwest region is fragile in geology, so it is necessary to guard against landslides, flash floods and other disasters caused by heavy rainfall. At the same time, the rain is accompanied by short-term heavy precipitation, so it is necessary to guard against disasters such as urban waterlogging. When the rain is fierce, try not to go out and pay attention to personal safety.

  Most areas in the north are sunny, and Huanghuai in North China is sluggish in autumn.

  Recently, the rainfall in most parts of the north is scarce, and it continues to be sunny, and the temperature is higher than normal. Yesterday, there was a high temperature of 35℃ in Shijiazhuang, which was the third high temperature record in history. In mid-September, there was still a high temperature that was rare in the local area.

  It is predicted that the temperature will drop in most areas from North China, Huanghuai to Northeast China today and tomorrow. Among them, today, the decline in eastern Inner Mongolia, northern Hebei and western Northeast China can reach 4-10 C, and the temperature drop is more significant, while the rest of the decline is mostly within 4 C. Tomorrow, many places in Inner Mongolia and Northeast China will begin to warm up, and the temperature in Huanghuai in North China will continue to fall. With the development of cooling, the range of 30℃ in North China, Huanghuai and other places will gradually shrink.

  Although the temperature in North China and Huanghuai has dropped slightly, it is still higher than normal, and the process of entering autumn is sluggish. At this time all the year round, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, most of Shandong and most of Henan have entered autumn, but these areas are still in the summer of meteorological significance this year.

  Take Beijing as an example. Autumn is on September 11th all the year round, but it has not yet entered autumn. Since the beginning of summer on May 7th this year, as of September 17th, the summer in Beijing has reached 134 days, which is not only much longer than the 111-day summer all the year round, but also broke the local historical record of the longest summer (133 days in 2007).

Heavy rainfall turned to the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, and Huanghuai in North China was late in autumn.

  Judging from the forecast for the next week, most areas in North China and Huanghuai have avoided the "care" of rain, and the weather will continue to be fine and the temperature will continue to be warmer, and the autumn in this area will continue to be delayed. Among the provincial capital cities, Beijing, Tianjin, Shijiazhuang and Zhengzhou have all entered autumn later than usual this year, and "being late" is a foregone conclusion.

  The highest temperature in the above areas will reach about 30℃ during the day, and it will be a little hot during the day, especially in the afternoon, but it will drop rapidly at night. The temperature difference between day and night is generally above 10℃, and the weather is cold. Pay attention to adding clothes to keep warm when you go out in the morning and evening.

Enjoy flowers in spring and harvest sweet fruits in summer. In the past, weeds were all over the hillside, and now pears are blossoming.

CCTV News:In March, pear blossoms in the Linguo base in Anlu City, Hubei Province have blossomed one after another, attracting countless tourists to enjoy the spring. At the moment, Yan Yan, a reporter from the reception desk, is in the pear garden. Let’s connect her.

Headquarters reporter Yan Yan:I am now in the 10,000-mu forest fruit base in Tuanshan Village, Anlu, Hubei Province, and now more than 60,000 pear trees in the base have all blossomed. At this moment, I am in the sea of flowers, and the pear blossoms all over the mountain are competing to spit, and the snow is white, like a cloud like a waterfall; Pear blossoms are clean and elegant, and the flowers are floating and refreshing. The beautiful scenery also attracted many tourists, some of whom stopped to enjoy the flowers, but more of them were busy taking pictures with their cameras to freeze the beauty of spring. According to reports, more than 300,000 tourists were received here in a spring.

This pear garden can enjoy the beautiful scenery of the flower sea in spring, and pears can be picked from May to June. In order to ensure the smooth fruiting of pear trees, farmers here are busy with spring management. Look, the farmers in this area behind me are covering the pear trees with plastic film. The function of film mulching is to control water evaporation and prevent weeds from creeping.

On the other side, a farmer standing on a stool (or a high platform) is thinning the flowering branches. Look at the tree next to me. The pear blossoms on the branches are clustered and very dense. Sparse flowers can avoid excessive flowering and fruiting, and the nutrient supply of fruit trees is insufficient. By thinning flowers and fruits, the fruit setting rate can be improved and the pear fruit can be ensured to grow full and firm.

Fruit farmers told me that the average yield per mu here is about 4000 Jin, but at present, the yield per mu of pear trees in the rich period in China can be as high as 8000 Jin. In other words, the yield per mu here is only half that of other pear trees. Although the yield is not high, the output value here is very high. Because the varieties planted at present are improved, it is a "summer Sydney" variety suitable for planting environment in hilly areas. As the name implies, "Summer Sydney" is a fresh pear with white flesh and ripe in summer. It belongs to an early mature honey pear variety in China, and the weight of a single pear ranges from 8 taels to 1 catty, with rich juice and high sweetness. The price at harvest time is about five times that of ordinary pears, which has become a veritable fruit of getting rich.

In fact, in this base of more than 10,000 mu, potted blueberries with high economic value are planted in the greenhouses next to pear trees. In addition, there are some ornamental seedlings such as begonia. Although the whole undulating mountain is very regular now, in the past, because it is located in the hills, the land is relatively barren, the benefit of crop planting is poor, and the traffic is inconvenient, most villagers go out to work, and many land on the mountain is barren. Through various attempts, the local government has selected the seedling and fruit tree industries that are relatively suitable for the geological conditions here, and absorbed the surrounding villagers to work in the base through the model of "company+cooperative+base+farmer". A more prosperous industry and a more beautiful rural environment have made people feel more happy.

What is rip current who was killed in the beach of 11 people in Zhangzhou, Fujian? How to save yourself when you encounter it?

  On the afternoon of August 14th, 17 foreigners came to the beach near Zhenkou Village, Qianting Town, Zhangpu County, and were involved in the sea. As of 22: 00 on August 14th, the rescue work was all over, among which 11 people died after being rescued, and 6 people’s vital signs were stable.

  The reporter learned from the beach near Jiangkou Village, Zhangpu County, Fujian Province that the warning line has been set up at the intersection entering the beach. On the beach where the incident happened, there was a warning sign that said, "Be safe against drowning, no swimming in the sea". Yang Huifang, a villager, was the first person who heard the call for help and went into the water to rescue him.

  Yang Huifang told reporters that the rescue coincided with the high tide of the sea, and the waves were higher than the waves. When the sea retreated, people were easily taken into the sea. He took life-saving equipment and swam to the sea, saving one person first. Due to the large number of people who fell into the water, Yang Huifang swam back to the shore to find reinforcements and rescued five more people with the villagers.

  Yang Huifang, a villager from Jiangkou Village, Zhangpu County, Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province:There are many undercurrents in the sea, which are basically complicated. For example, when the wave comes up (high tide), it seems that the water is pushed up, but after it comes up, the water is pulled back, and the water under it is pulled back. It is pushed up at the top and pulled back at the bottom. Normally, we locals are afraid to go down in this water.

  Yang Huifang said that the tides are quite rough in July and August, and the tides are different every day. Even villagers with good water quality rarely go to the sea, and this place is not a local tourist attraction. According to the tidal forecast of Fujian Ocean Forecasting Station, on August 14th, Zhangpu County appeared at 4: 56 in the morning, and the tidal height was 1.87 meters. The second is now 17: 32 pm, and the tidal height is 1.68 meters.

  What causes tourists to be caught in the waves?

  The accident site is not a scenic spot, the undercurrent is dangerous, and local villagers rarely get into the water. Even if the local warning signs were set up at the seaside, they failed to stop these tourists from playing in the water. What happened then? What caused these tourists to be caught in the waves? According to Wang Gang, the captain of Xiamen Shuguang Rescue Team who participated in the rescue, it is very likely that the victims will encounter rip current, because the normal tide will not be so sudden and violent, and only rip current has such destructive power and injury that it can pull so many people into the deep sea at once. Topographically, this beach is also likely to produce rip current.

  What is rip current? Can it be predicted? What are the characteristics?

  Wang Gang, captain of Xiamen Shuguang Rescue Team, said that the cause of this tragedy is probably that the people in distress encountered it at that time."rip current". At present, the final investigation results have yet to be given by the government.

Rip current, scientifically known as "split current", is a narrow and strong current along the coast like a beam. It flows outward in a direction perpendicular or nearly perpendicular to the coast. Rip current is extremely dangerous because of its extremely fast velocity and confusing surface calm.

  Rip current velocity is mostly 0.3&mdash per second; 1 meter, the fastest can reach 3 meters per second, and its length can reach 30-mdash; 100 meters or even longer. The flow direction is almost perpendicular to the coastline, which can quickly drag strong swimmers into deep water and cause drowning.

  Rip current will suddenly appear when people are unprepared. And it can happen in any weather conditions, and it will appear on many types of beaches. Unlike waves that make a loud noise due to violent impact, rip current will not attract people’s attention until people are trapped in it.

  How to save yourself and rescue yourself when you meet rip current?

  Wang Gang, Captain of Xiamen Shuguang Rescue Team:For rip current, there is no good way except prevention. Once you are involved in rip current, I suggest you relax, drift downstream and not struggle. Rip current normally has a roundabout area. If you are experienced and calm enough, you may get rid of this rip current, and then you can wait for the rescue. Don’t try your best to struggle against the current and go to the coast after encountering rip current. It is very difficult to do this by manpower.

  It is best to drift backwards, because drifting backwards saves the most energy. According to the site situation, it cannot be fixed in any way. If the waves were very strong at that time, drifting upward was likely to choke water. You can use sideslip or breaststroke, a more energy-saving swimming method, to keep breathing normally and consume less energy.

The rainy day in the south is worse than the miserable competition: you haven’t seen the sun for 72 days and you tell me that the rainy season hasn’t started yet?

China Weather Network News Since December 2018, the sun has wandered in the south, and rainy weather has dominated the screen. Especially in some cities in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, the number of sunshine hours and rainy days has broken the historical record, and cities have expressed their misery. So when will it stop raining in the south? According to meteorologists, the number of rainy days in southern China is likely to be higher this spring.
Cartography/Chen Yujie
According to the statistics from December 1, 2018 to February 25, 2019, the days without sunshine in major cities in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River all exceeded 50 days, the average sunshine hours were less than 2.5 hours, the average humidity was generally above 75%, and the number of precipitation days was generally 40-60 days. Among them, Changsha won a number of "firsts" and became the "worst" city in this round of continuous rain in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River.
"Underwear is the hardest to dry" city-Changsha
In this round of "tragic competition" for big cities in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, Changsha became the most miserable city by virtue of four single events. The four awards are: the average sunshine time per day is the least, the average humidity is the highest, the number of consecutive "dark days" is the longest, and the total number of days with sunshine hours of 0 is the most.
According to the statistics from December 1, 2018 to February 25, 2019, the average sunshine time in Changsha is only 0.88 hours, which is equivalent to only 3.2 days of sunshine in Changsha in the past 87 days. The average humidity in Changsha reaches 86.41%, which is also the most "humid" among the big cities in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. At the same time, Changsha has a total of 72 days with zero sunshine hours. Among them, from December 19, 2018 to January 20, 2019, Changsha lasted for 33 days. In these two competitions, Changsha was the most miserable.
In view of Changsha’s highest air humidity and the lack of "sunshine", it won the title of "underwear is the hardest to dry" city.
"Rain God’s Second Hometown"-Nanchang
Nanchang won three runners-up and two runners-up in this round of "Bitter Competition" in big cities in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Statistics from December 1, 2018 to February 25, 2019 show that the average humidity in Nanchang is 83.21%, the average sunshine hours are 1.2 hours, and there are 18 consecutive days without sunshine, ranking second in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. And its rain and snow days and sunshine days of 0 are also ranked third with 62 days and 64 days respectively.
In view of the fact that Nanchang didn’t win the five competitions in the big cities in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, but each of them entered the top three. With the achievements of Sanya in two seasons, it became the second "miserable" city in comprehensive evaluation, so it was awarded the title of "Rain God’s Second Hometown".
"Dragon King’s Favorite" City-Hangzhou
Hangzhou won the only missed "single champion" in Changsha-"the most rainy and snowy days". Statistics from December 1, 2018 to February 25, 2019 show that there were 66 days of rain and snow in Hangzhou, and Changsha was beaten by two days, becoming the first place in the "Rain and Snow Days Competition".
In addition, Hangzhou also won two medals in sunshine hours. It won the second place with 18 consecutive days of sunshine hours of zero, and became the third place in the list of "no sunshine for 64 days". In view of the fact that Hangzhou has the most "precipitation days", it was awarded the title of "Dragon King’s Favorite" city.
The return date of the sun is not fixed, and the rain is endless.
Since December 2018, there has been the longest rainy (snowy) weather in southern China since 1961. So, when will the rainy weather end? China Weather Network tells you that the return date of the Japanese question is not fixed, and the rain is endless …
The Central Meteorological Observatory predicts that there will still be rainy weather in the south in the next ten days, and the precipitation will be too large. The National Climate Center also predicts that due to the impact of El Ni? o events, there may be more rainy days in the southern region in the future spring.
Moreover, as of now, the real rainy season in the south has not yet begun! In early April, South China entered the pre-flood season, which started the rainy season in China. The pre-flood season in South China lasted until mid-June. Later, with the subtropical high moving northward, the rain belt also moved from South China to the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and the Jianghuai area, forming a rainy season, which lasted until mid-July. After the end of June, affected by tropical cyclones and other systems, South China entered the late flood season in South China. In addition, Yunnan is divided into dry and wet seasons, and May to October is also its rainy season.
However, experts remind that because the rainy season is distributed in different time and space, and the rainstorm process is staged, the rain will not stay in the same place all the time, so although the south will experience some rainy periods, the "wandering sun" will always come back. (Text/Zhang Hui Cartography/Zhang Li Chen Yujie Review/Zhang Huiyuan Hu Xiao)